As it turned out, my fears were unfounded and the NBA has demonstrated that it really is the most exciting and entertaining product in the entire world (trust me, I’ve spent the past year watching soccer football and hockey. I decided to take this past season off from basketball due somewhat to time constraints in my personal life, but more because the future looked bleak for fans of other anyone other than the Lakers and the Heat.
Regardless, if you were around during the Straight Outta Vancouver days, you may remember some of my posts, which ranged in quality from “irrelevant” to “Oh my god, this was an absolute waste of my time.” If you missed them, well, consider yourself fortunate. Granted, this was only a year ago, but both SB Nation and this particular community have grown by leaps and bounds since then, so it feels longer. So back when this blog was known by another name and led by an equally awesome though less geographically well-situated leader, I used to be a contributing writer who went by ForeignFlopper.